And so the story continues…..
Do you ever wonder when your story will end? Do you think it ends when you die? Do you think it goes on throughout eternity? Does it end after a divorce? Does it end after loosing a loved one?

When exactly is the ending to a story?

I absolutely hate movies that end a certain way. The ones where it leaves you wondering what in the world actually happens. Or the kind that leaves you saying to yourself…"I can't believe I just sat through this entire movie for that ending." Do you know what I mean? It just gets to me…bad!!!

I want the movie not with the perfect ending…but, the one that gives you just enough to allow your imagination the space to create that picture and place that takes your mind on a journey….and it's actually a journey towards an ending.

We all do have an ending to our stories. Somehow and in someway our story will end. Chapters of our lives will come to a close. And in the midst of all the ending there will be New Beginnings.

I do believe in Eternity…and that's a whole topic in itself. However, the ending I'm writing about happens here in The Now.

What Endings have you experienced? What parts of your life have come to a close? Some of us have experienced divorce and others death. Some both. Some have lost jobs and suffered great financial devastation. These are all types of endings I think about when I think about Life Stories. The eb and flow of them…the ups and downs. The stories we wished we could forget because the Endings are too tragic to remember. And then there are Endings that are not painful….a close to a chapter in our lives that leads us into a place we never thought we would experience.

Endings are not always negative and can many times to lead to a tremendous future ahead. The Bible reminds us to run the journey forward and to move towards the goal for the prize. In life we will face Endings...I see it being a choice we make to decide how we push through into new seasons of this journey we are on. I know my security lies inside my Faith in knowing Jesus Christ and that my earthly Ending will lead me to spend eternity in Heaven. However, I know my time here on earth will come with many endings and inside each of those places I will make choices about how I move forward. You will also experience many Endings as you walk through your life.

How will your Endings look? What will your outcome be as you make this journey? Will you choose to see Endings through a negative lens or will you embrace the new begining they bring into our lives.

Our story doesn't have to end. The promise of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ is the continuation. Even if you don't choose Christ...your story will still be played out. It will just be a much darker eternity. I personally don't want your storty to end that way.
