My Happy Places

~ Happy Places ~

I'm sure you have yours. Right? 

So, come journey into the many spaces and places that make me happy. 

One of my all time fav things to do is to go on a picnic. If you have never taken this adventure then believe need to. This is your chance to get rid of the excuses and make time inside your life for some rest and relaxation.

Find a your spot 
To have a successful picnic you have to have a spot. My most memorable picnics have been places I've just wondered upon. I love, I look for pretty trees. You can google parks in your area. Look for gardens in your community. Another good place to picnic are on college campuses. There are many that offer beautiful grounds and are most always open to the public. 
Alone or Together
A picnic is fun when shared with a friend. So, you make the decision. Are you going to have some much needed alone time or are you in the mood for some company. Set a date, send out an invite. Make this a special time to offer your friend some good 'ole relaxation. Times shared can create lasting memories. 
Plan Your Menu
This is one of the best parts. The food makes your picnic come to life. But, don't think a picnic is ALL about the food. Food is just one of the many aspects that makes up this amazing adventure. You may want something fast food or you may want to go all out and make a home-made feast. Most of the time I make something lite and easy. Sometimes I just grab a baked potato and lemonade. Whichever you decide on...sitting on a blanket in a beautiful spot and eating what you have is so relaxing. Believe me...there's nothing quite like it. In my opinion. :)

Some Fun Ideas
Bring your journal
Grab your camera
Don't forget your Frisbee, baseball and gloves

What you will need.....
A Special Location
Journal and Pen
Baseball and Glove
Attitude of Relaxation

Happy Picnicking!!! 


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