
I read a devotion today about how that our lives sometimes can be like a computer and all the information we store in it or on it can sometimes get overloaded with so much information and we have to Defragment "our computer". This was a great devotion for me today and I would like to take a little time sharing about how I want to apply it to my life personally.

I'm spending a few days with mom & dad this week. It has been fun.....although we have been iced in for two days now and our cabin fever is getting High...Ha Ha :)

As I've been here and have had to spend more time than usual in the house with out the ability to be as active as I usually am it has given me time to realize I have alot on my heart. After reading this devotion I said that exact thing.......I feel like I need to Defragment my mind, my thoughts, how I handle lives situation that come up daily. At times I let little things become big things which then turn into huge things.

I can tell it's time for me to push the button in my life and Defragment all these little things that have turned into big things before they turn into huge things in my life.......I basically need to clean up "my computer". :)

 “Lord, I am scattered, restless, and only half here.”

King David also went through such times (Ps. 55:2). In prayer, David presented his needs to God morning, noon, and evening, confident that he would be heard.

Prayer can help to Defragment our lives. When we cast our cares on the Lord, He will show us what we need to do and what only He can do.

I loved this poem and would like to share it.......

O Lord, we bring our restless hearts
To You in fervent prayer;
Now help us wait expectantly
While resting in Your care. —Sper

I'm so glad I came across these words today. It really helped me realize why at times things inside of me feel so overwhelming....either I need to do some cleaning out of my mind through prayer and Bible reading or I need to take the time to prioritize everything and put each thing it its appropriate place.

Blessings!!!! :)
We need prayer the most when we have the least time to pray.


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