"Letters From Lolly"
I just recently had the enormous blessing of becoming a Grandmother(Lolly)...:) It is like so many have told me before....it will change your life and be like nothing you've ever experienced. It really has been!!!!
Before Kallie Grace was born on January 13th, 2012 I had started a journal entitled "Letters From Lolly". It has been so much fun to write to this precious little life and bundle of joy. Even before she arrived in our world she was in my heart. And I know she was deeply entangled in the hearts of Jessica and Blake....her parents...:) HA!
I thought about starting a new blog just for my Lolly stories...but, starting and managing a blog is not so easy. So, I figured Becka's Corner could just serve more than one purpose....Becka's Corner is now also....Lolly's Corner. :)
I wanted to share my first ever "Letter From Lolly" with you. Hope you enjoy it and I hope as I read these to Sweet Kallie Grace that she will love them too and that she will love her Lolly just as much as I love her. I'm thinking she just might.....she talked to me already...I promise she did...you can ask her mommy. Lol :)
"Counting" ~
December 6th, 2011
If I counted the many bits of love that keep building up in my heart for you, Sweet Kallie Grace, my heart would already burst wide open.
Love is a wonderful feeling...a warm, gentle feeling that rushes over you all at one time. I can only imagine that by the time you arrive into our world that my heart really will Bust Wide Open...and tiny little hearts will fly all over the room I'm standing in. I know if I'm feeling this way...I can only imagine what your mommy and daddy are feeling right now.
For many years now I've heard people say that you can't even imagine what it is like to have a grand-baby and to be a Lolly. Well, the "Love Bug of Lolly Life" is pouring all over me....my sweet little love bug girl.
Counting I am doing...Counting the days....Counting the moments we will spend looking at all your tiny little features. Counting each time I can touch your soft cheeks....Counting each day you will be in our lives.
Counting is what I'm doing and counting I'll do until we get that wonderful call to tell us Miss Kallie Grace is about to Bust Our Hearts Wide Open with millions of tiny hearts flying all around the room like little, tiny, wonderful butterfly babies.
I love you, Kallie....Lolly
Before Kallie Grace was born on January 13th, 2012 I had started a journal entitled "Letters From Lolly". It has been so much fun to write to this precious little life and bundle of joy. Even before she arrived in our world she was in my heart. And I know she was deeply entangled in the hearts of Jessica and Blake....her parents...:) HA!
I thought about starting a new blog just for my Lolly stories...but, starting and managing a blog is not so easy. So, I figured Becka's Corner could just serve more than one purpose....Becka's Corner is now also....Lolly's Corner. :)
I wanted to share my first ever "Letter From Lolly" with you. Hope you enjoy it and I hope as I read these to Sweet Kallie Grace that she will love them too and that she will love her Lolly just as much as I love her. I'm thinking she just might.....she talked to me already...I promise she did...you can ask her mommy. Lol :)
"Counting" ~
December 6th, 2011
If I counted the many bits of love that keep building up in my heart for you, Sweet Kallie Grace, my heart would already burst wide open.
Love is a wonderful feeling...a warm, gentle feeling that rushes over you all at one time. I can only imagine that by the time you arrive into our world that my heart really will Bust Wide Open...and tiny little hearts will fly all over the room I'm standing in. I know if I'm feeling this way...I can only imagine what your mommy and daddy are feeling right now.
For many years now I've heard people say that you can't even imagine what it is like to have a grand-baby and to be a Lolly. Well, the "Love Bug of Lolly Life" is pouring all over me....my sweet little love bug girl.
Counting I am doing...Counting the days....Counting the moments we will spend looking at all your tiny little features. Counting each time I can touch your soft cheeks....Counting each day you will be in our lives.
I love you, Kallie....Lolly
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