~ Fear Replaced With Abundant Joy ~

Today I left for a trip. One I thought I would never take. Not just a road trip but a trip past fear.

Paralyzingly fear has tied me into and pushed me firmly against many corners in my life.

Oh but today...a day of new risks. A day to realize that the blood that flows through my veins is not just my own...but, it is in all reality the inherited blood of the One who adopted me, who paid the price for me, my Daddy Father full of grace and mercy. His blood is flowing freely and powerfully through my veins. Wow!!

And I can't drive? And I can't move in new directions? And I can't pass semi trucks going 75 miles per hour? And I can't drive up and see this beautiful little angle hopping up and down because this person named...Lolly...drove?
Yes...there was a spirit of restoration all over me today. A place that said...I will, I am, I want this, I'm taking this, I have someone much bigger on my side and it will happen.
Fear is being put down. Fear is no longer going to capture my heart and mind. Why? Simple. A Mighty...All Powerful...Loving
and Compassionate Father lives in this mind and heart. How dare me allow fear to stay there anymore. The two are like oil and water...they don't mix. I choose and chose this morning to let LIFE LIVE ABUNDANTLY AND LOUDLY IN THIS SPACE.
Oh and look. Look what it brought me. I got to touch my children. I got to see their faces. I got to experience their joy. I got to hold my grand daughter. I got to read her a book...while we laid in her bed with wet hair and pjs on.
Letting go of fear gave me an abundance of gifts that were here all the time waiting. Yet my fear and my ability to replace fear for LIFE...was literally just a choice of an exchange.
I'm so thankful I made the exchange. Abundant joy. Overflowing with peace. Wrapped
up in love. Spilling over in every way with New Life.
I say...thank you, Lord. Thank you!!!
Words poured into me by God and spilled out through my written words
Much Love and Blessings


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