~ The Dry Season ~

My hands are dried up from writing out what is inside my heart. I have found myself many times over the past few months trying to write out my heart. But then I find myself hitting the backspace key and holding it down as I erase everything I've laid out. 

Why are these seasons here? Seasons where dry places rule over those holes within our souls? Those spaces and deep holes where writing it down could bring some kind of healing…yet, our hands…our thoughts…our penning it down will not work. Why? 

I actually have no magical answer. I have no reasoning it out or making it make some kind of perfect sense. I'm sure like in your life…I'm just in one of those places right now. 

Somedays it manifest itself like grief. Sometimes just raw pain of being afraid of where I am in life. I know inside of my spirit that God is not the author or maker of fear and I know where and through whom this fear rises up. Yes, I know all the spiritual applications that are there for me to believe and hold fast to. Yet, in seasons like this…these truths are not so easy to grasp and or hold on to. It's not a lack of faith…it is truth and reality of our present places that we stand in life and inside our individual journeys that these seasons of dry times come to be.

I'm guessing and finding out for me that moving forward through literally just each minute of the day is what pushes me through to the other side or just around the corner for a bit. Even with just a few hours of rest from the dryness of this season is enough to make it to the next day where hope comes in and whispers those blessing words…You're going to make it. 

I hope you have moments that push you through. I pray you have whispers that make it possible to hang on to that next minute to survive your dry season. I pray for each person in life where there might be a place where your writing moments have dried up, your speaking out your pain has gotten stuck deep inside your soul or where you've lost the strength to push through your life…that in these times you will know and understand that it isn't finished. I have to hear that from my own hands writing…It isn't finished!

Thinking right past this and into the day that is coming this Sunday…Easter! The message is clear within this story. It truly is not finished…the battle is not over. Yes, He is risen and yes because of His stripes you and I are healed. Oh…but, there is a much better season coming. One where every tear shall be wiped away from our eyes. Where no sorrow will exist again for all eternity. And where these places that feel so dry and well up within us to become places where we can't move forward…these soul holes that long for water will soon be overflowing with Lasting Living Water. 

So…then on the other side of it all...It is finished. Through the mighty work of death and resurrection the price was paid. The ultimate sacrifice was placed on a cross and we have the freedom already to live in this peace and comfort offered towards our hurting heart, our flowing out tear moments, our grief from death and losses and above all we have hope in where we choose to spend a lasting eternity. 

The backspace was not hit. Not sure what that means…except for me in this moment I feel a peace of spilling out. I feel a burden lifted from within. A relief from that which was bottled up. I pray these words and thoughts will be like a laser beam of health for your thirsty soul. 

Blessings as always.

Hebrews 4:17 has been a true blessing to me now for about two weeks straight…
"Let us then come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need!!!"

Wow! What a great promise. 

Hang on to this promise, sweet friends. Much love!


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