~ Going Against Societal Ideals ~

A friend reminded me today that going
against Societal Ideals will most likely mean we stand alone. Yet, how much
happier could we be within our own joy if we did not force ourselves to live
inside a life that matches up with what so many BELIEVE we should be
doing just for the sake of it being the popular option of our peers?
For the most part society says a woman
who loves keeping a home, cooking meals, doing laundry, decorating and
beautifying her space, staying home with her children is not working at her
highest potential. That in order to be at her highest level of happiness she
has to make a lot of money, be successful in a career, go back to school and
eventually be making six figures. And on top of all that...balance everything
about the home life. Oh and too...keep herself in shape and sexy all at the
same time. Yikes!!! And we wonder why there is such a rise in chronic illnesses
among woman. And why depression and divorce is at an all time high. The
expectation that Societal Ideals have put on our shoulders is unbearable and is
literally making us a society that is physically sick.
It is refreshing to me to know that
there are still within our society those that desire a life where our roles are
biblically lined up to how we were literally created by God. The nice thing
about His creation is the fact that He purposely and so precisely made man and
woman so different in our physical make up. And it's ok. We don't have to fight
this or try and make it different. It is His creation and His idea of how it
fits perfectly together to make such a flawless picture in doing life.
Since being thrown into a life of
divorce where my roll has had to drastically change... this concept has taken
on a different look. It has forced me to see the "other side of the
coin". To realize and accept the fact that I am my own caretaker and I am
my own provider now. The truth is...I can quickly be thrown into a
financial crisis if I don't work a job. Which means without this job I
don't eat or pay my bills. So...realistically because of living within a fallen
world I am forced to step away from what my ideal of life is and take up a roll
I believe I wasn't designed to take on. Do I believe this a huge controversial
topic within our society? Yes. Does this mean that I believe woman shouldn't do
anything to make money or go to school or be successful? No way!!!
I think it's wonderful to learn, get an
education, have a job and do whatever you want to do. That's freedom. However,
I do believe and see that there is not equal respect for the two opposite rolls
that woman now take on. And that makes my heart sad.
I was one of those ladies within our
society that as a married woman loved caring for my home, staying at home to
raise my twins, worked "At Home" jobs to bring in extra money and
created beauty and nurtured my family from this role. I actually never felt
like I was doing without or needed something else to validate me during these
years. I just loved this role and calling I was walking in.
Becoming single in my forties has
brought about many new perspectives. Many new rolls for me. They've been
frightening and at times exciting. They've been foreign and unsteady. I do
believe that through this season I've been able to learn about myself in ways I
would have never discovered me within the isolation of my Stay At Home years. I
did love those years...the Stay At Home years. However, to become the woman who
walks fully in her calling I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God has used
these moments and these seasons to shape out who I'm becoming in order to move
totally towards my true purpose.
Society can try and dictate who we
should be or what the perfect woman should look like. But ultimately who we
truly are is brought about simply by walking through each and every season of
our lives with grace and dignity. For me it has been by loving each season no
matter if it's an easy one or a devastating one.
It's so true...even in a fallen world
with fallen ideals of what our rolls are...we can still persevere into a
beautiful, successful, wealthy, healthy, creative, dynamic, confident, strong
and Godly woman...doing this through many abilities and talents...jobs and
careers. We truly are a blessed society with many choices to live full,
creative and beautiful lives.
Many blessings
Becka ❤️
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