Corners Of The Heart Identified

"Corners of the Heart Identified"

When I think about the corners of my heart I actually can picture how they look and feel. I have memorized their effects on me and the title they each carry. 

We each have corners in our heart...our soul places. I think of them as hidden treasures. Sometimes hidden wounds. Trapped away places where no one is allowed to enter. A hiding place for our stuff.

Many of us walk around an entire lifetime keeping these places in us hidden and tucked away. Never to be seen from.  It was once told to me by a pastors wife to keep my secrets hidden behind the cross. With my mind racing and it has done my entire life...I quickly knew this wasn't possible and or right. You see...there is no Behind The Cross. The cross is exposed from every side. When Christ hung there for my sins and yours...he hung totally exposed from every angle on that hill called Calvary. So...hiding my stuff behind His cross is an impossible task. Can we place it on him?...Yes. Can we lay these things down at His feet...Yes. But hiding them...No Way. 

Even in placing them on Him and at His feet has to be done in a way where we are not hiding. You see...we are good at this. In so many of our lives legalism and traps have taken up root in our minds and hearts. We buy into the limited Grace that our Daddy God truly has to offer us. Grace is something I thought I knew all about. However, much to my surprise I have come to realize I didn't and haven't had a full grasp on the immeasurable deepness this word holds for me and for you. 

It is only through God's amazing Grace that we can dig around in the corners of our hearts and expose these hidden secrets to the one who loves us unconditionally. The Daddy God that is waiting...constantly keeping a firm grip on us as we find the strength to be exposers of our stories. 

My prayer that goes out into this world and is spoken on your behalf is this....
Let's be exposures. Let's open wide our minds and hearts to the acceptance and grace that is offered to us by Jesus Christ. I search, pray and look out for those in the Body of Christ that will show me unconditional Daddy is with wisdom and discernment that we will find those with whom we can open up these corner places and find healing for our wounds. 

Grace poured out over exposed corners of our hearts. Immeasurable love extended through unconditional love provided fully through the one who loves us the very best...our Daddy God. 

Friend, open up your Corner Places. Just take one tiny step today towards a freedom life. One step at a time will lead you to a life that is healed...a life that can then touch someone else's wounds. 

Many blessings 


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