"The Cross"

A cross...exposed. From every angle the light hits its exposure. On a hill the people called Calvary hung a man they called Jesus. 
In-between two others...the three hung exposed. Birthed and laid to rest in a cradle carved from a tree. Hung to die for many on a cross carved from one too. 

The cross. The One. The blood. The exposure. The three. The representation of so much. The many who watched. 
The hours that passed. The body that endured the pain. The One who for our sins took upon him the struggle. Our struggle. 
An invitation to two others. Only one said yes. Why? A representation again. 
He grew weary. Begged his Father to let him be gone. Enough! Enough! For us he hung. Exposed. From every side. 
Our sins laid down at the foot. The blood poured down on them. Spilled out from his broken body. Life was given...His. 
His head fell. His body gave. He was gone. Laid in a tomb. He wouldn't be held. For all to see...he rose. A promise kept. A miracle preformed. 
He is risen. He is truth. He is He who wipes every tear. Whose promise can not be shaken. Whose love can not be matched. 
He is the great I am. The promise for eternity spent. The only one who holds the weak. That comforts our grief. 
He is and always will be. 
Grateful I sit in His presence. Thankful I write out words poured into me through His salvation given. Restful I go on knowing. Because and only because...with Him I'm made to walk securely inside His promises. 
With a grateful heart I share this promise with you. 
Written with much love
Becka Materne ~ 2015


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