The Church of My Today and Of My Tomorrow Cont....

I experienced several things this past week that added to my story and I wanted to share.
My husband, Scoot and I, have been searching for a church home now for over seven months. Last Sunday we finally landed. I have to say it felt really nice to walk down front and become members together in this congregation that we now will call Our Church. Nothing Huge has happened since that moment. There wasn't a parade in our honor or balloons sent in celebration of this big day in our lives. I hope you are smiling or even laughing. I'm being funny!!! :) My point is this...for us this was a big day of celebration. It actually gave us both hope in church. Even if it is just a small glimpse that we will now have a Church Family to invest our lives into. We will have a place to go each week to worship the Lord and hear from His Word.
Is this a perfect church? Absolutely not. Is it exactly what we were looking for? Not at all. But on the other side of all the things we just couldn't find to make a perfect church(which we know does not exist).We do know we found a church that is looking for people who will come in and want to be part of seeing lost souls come to Christ, help grow this ministry in Denton and had open arms towards us. My church of today is starting to make more sense and with this new open door I have to say that my church of tomorrow is, as well.
Even after this process of joining this church. My husband and I have already had many more conversations about the change we see within Today's Church. I'm hoping we can be instrumental in being two voices that can make a difference in Today's Church and in Tomorrow's Church. Being proactive within the Church by being change makers and creating a place of acceptance towards turning hearts towards God has to be our main motivation or the Church will continue to make its decline to looking and functioning more like a business and less like a House Of God.
Do you remember when old people would get up and talk about "the days when..." and go on and on about how things used to be? Well, I DON'T want to become One Of Those Kinds Of People. Ha!!! It could be easy to do. Right? Because our yesterdays are a comfortable place to be. Moving forward isn't always an easy task to be involved in. Progress, however, comes with forward moving thinkers and proactive people. My concern in this with The Church is simple yet complex. Moving forward is important even within the church. Moving away from the way God established the church to function and be sustained is not ok. To have and maintain this balance is what becomes intriguing to me.
For now I can see that discovering The Church of My Toady has just now become a reality this past week. I now have a solid place within The Church. We now have a Home Church to invest in and grow with. So, my task is laid out in front of me to be proactive in being an instrument of positive change and a responsibility to be a positive member of the Body Of Christ.
I'll close with these thoughts....
How do you see The Church of Your Today? Are you still wondering where you will land and where you will serve? It takes time. It definitely is a process. How do you define The Church of Your Tomorrow? Will you be instrumental in being involved and in being a change maker?
Such a discovery. Thinking Forward!!!
Many Blessings
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