~ Common Places Of Brokenness ~

I read an article today about several celebrities that have gone through divorces and have suffered so much physical pain and heartache. Many times through this journey I have only looked to the help and advice of Christian perspectives. Through this reading today I realized that pain comes into each and every human beings heart. No matter race, faith, culture...no matter. It just comes and hits hard.

These famous woman had actually gone through such crushing moments that they would collapse before going on stage or in front of an audience for an interview. The same story ran throughout each of these women. They were afraid to face their future alone. Independent women who at one time knew they could do life alone and survive...yet, because they had done life with someone they loved...here they found themselves in a place in life where they had to face this life alone. Frightened and full of fear. Paralyzing fear.

One woman said towards the end of the article that she never would wish this intense physical pain and sorrow onto anyone...I can definitely relate. Even if the departure was on the side of the woman...there is the same realization that something is lost. A connection of doing life with someone else is now gone.

As I read that many who have never faced health issues will face new and debilitating health issues just due to the stress divorce brings into their lives. I felt a great compassion being poured out of my heart for these women I don't even know. Heartache that comes because of something shared at the soul. Soul ties that connect many who never know how to speak these places of pain out in the open. Pain that keeps us isolated on many levels and wondering when it will pass.

I'm not sure what writing about this does...except I do know it helped me have a different type of compassion. It helped me see how expanded this virus of lost love is. How many lives it hurts and devastates.

If it only helps me reach out of myself and into other's lives...then this article did a great healing on my heart tonight. Knowing and being reminded that so many other's suffer and struggle with the strongholds that brokenness brings into a life. Speaking out the truth of the pain. Putting a voice to it through the written words poured out. Somehow bringing out the realization that we walk around passing many whose hearts hurt and whose lives used to look so different...yet, in this moment this new place they walk is foreign and upside down.

This has been just that...a reminder for me. A reminder to yet again...keep moving...keep pushing forward. Keep being reminded that other's struggle with pain and suffering. We hold common ground with many.

Thank you, Lord, for reminders that bring healing to brokenness and pain right in due time.

Blessings ~


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