~ Finding Balance ~
I'm sure everyone gets to a place where finding balance in life is essential to survival and peace. Interesting thing is, we can get going so fast in life and the realization of this balance doesn't even seem out of whack. It seems to take disruptions, falling apart friendships, a change in our weight, unable to keep order amidst the noise and rush to actually recognize these Out of Balance Places. These places of out of balance are personifying themselves in so many critical areas of our lives.
Peace can start to come in when we finally notice and are willing to simply...LOOK. That AH HA moment when we see that we can't keep up with everything spinning around us. Finally we stop and look at our life...our time...our space and recognize that we have to do something to bring order into the chaotic mess we've created.
Yes, we have created these places. Because, bottom line is we do have control over making and bringing peace into this chaos. All we have to do is have the willingness to recognize these Out of Balance Places.
Wow...did I ever notice this in my own life recently. I was going fast and not stopping to look at my Out of Balance Places that were controlling so many levels of my daily existence. Things were just flying all over the place...moving at such a face pace. Yet, on the other hand they weren't moving at all. So strange! I believe this is what happens when things get in a space of not being balanced...and I most definitely was in an Out of Balance Place.
Getting our lives back into balance will not only bring peace to our minds but will also be advantageous in creating better health and wellness.
What I had to do is take a hard look at the places where I was dumping most of my energy. Church ended up being the #1 place I was going to in order to fill up every part of me...and wow...was this ever creating a huge destructive pattern. I started seeing myself go from loving the church I had found to hating the church I had found. Not because of any fault from anyone else...only due to the fact that I was depending on this one avenue to meet every need I had...when in reality it is just not designed to do that for me. So, looking from that pivotal moment and into the future I had to make the choice to create a more balanced life for myself. And so I have.
It was hard at first to make this decision because I had started investing into people. Giving my time and energy into their lives. I was starting to volunteer and plan events. Trying my best to do EVERYTHING. When again I had to realize I just couldn't invest this type of off balanced living into others and expect a good outcome. I ended up not being good for anyone or for any project. Simply due to the fact that my life as a whole was totally off balance.
Just the simple fact of Recognizing was all it takes to get things back into order. Once you're in this place it really does come with ease and until this place comes...I know it's not easy at all...so, Hold On...there can be simplicity and ease in creating the balanced life you need.
It started for me personally with just slowing down and looking. Once I did that I made a plan. I knew I had given up on fitness so I knew I needed desperately to add that back into my life. I didn't wait on anyone to go join a gym for me...I went and joined. I looked at my church schedule and put in place the few nights that were important for me to attend and now I only attend on those nights. Even though I do miss some socializing...I still miss in order to attend my fitness classes. I also knew that starting a new job was going to require the right amount of rest and balance to my week nights...so, I've done away with late nights out during the week. Bringing balance to time spent with family and friends, as well. Adding friends into my life has been very important...so, making sure these relationships continue to grow and stay healthy will give me balance between family relationships and friend relationships.
Just taking a hard look. Seeing what we are putting the most attention on. Doing away with wasted space and stress. These few steps can do huge benefits to your health and quality of life. Just starting with a few small changes first...it only takes stopping long enough to take a look.
I encourage you to get back in balance. Balance out your time, your space, your health, your faith. It will bring back peace and serenity into your everyday. Your health will improve as well as your spiritual life.
Seek balance...live it out daily...bring order into your chaos...I promise it has made a difference for my life and it can do the same in yours.
Blessings ~
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