~ Back To The Land Of "AND" ~

I wrote once about the "Land Of And"…that place between Love and Hate. The extreme yet huge space that lies somewhere amidst these two enormous words. The AND!!

I feel so much like being there today. Parts of me want to drift over to Hate and then a bigger place would like to stay in that world of Love. But…the AND place is where I find myself being pulled and so I sit there….here. 

For I know the plans I have for you, Becka…the plans to give you a future…the plans to prosper you. I just heard this whispered in my ear. Just as if He(The Lord) decided to just come right on in and interrupt my time…and He did. I heard it and felt it…wrote it out as quick as it came into my ears. Thank you, Holy Father. 

From Love…drifting to the in-between…over to Hate…HE IS STILL HERE!!! Oh wow…the beauty that thought brings into spaces that become dark is so amazingly overwhelming. 

The AND in this land of two extremes…what lives there? Do you feel yourself being pulled there? 

Love your enemies, Becka. Do good to those who treat you bad. Turn your cheek and let soft words turn away wrath. God is speaking again. It's not often at all that I put scripture in my writings. It is not on purpose or for any particular reason…I just have never been writing and have been interrupted by the Holy Spirit like this. So, I just say…thank you, Lord Jesus…come join me in this time. In this place that is an in-between for me. Come, bathe your words over this "AND" place…SPEAK the words that are meant to be spoken right here in this time. I will write. 

I've felt immense peace through this last struggle in life…loosing my job. My security. I thought it would last and in someways it has. Yet, in others there is pain seeping in…like that place…that in-between…moving my thoughts over to the word I don't want to be close to…HATE. Love the Lord thy God with all thine heart and lean not on your own understandings…Becka, are you hearing me? Friends, do you hear that? God is a powerful writer of truth. Listen….take it in. 

With doubt and lack...I have these two pulling to win. Erase this is what Hate says…Love says…NO!!! And so, I listen because I know that nothing of my Loving Heavenly Father exist in the world of HATE.  Although a personal story lies in the midst of this writing today all around it is a message written by an author that says only one thing…TRUTH!!! HE IS THE TRUTH, THE LIFE AND THE WAY. So I write with Him guiding my hand. 

Does your heart ever ache to not be pulled so hard? Mine does. Do you ever want to just be left alone…for peace to come and dwell for a season that last and last and last. He is speaking…There are four seasons, Becka, then comes the Harvest. Lift up your eyes, daughter, and see that the fields are white for Harvest. Oh God, what are you saying to me today…what are you saying to us? 

Living in the in-between will not produce Harvest. It is a stuck place. Like the moving between the seasons. Like this awkward weather pattern we see happening as Spring is trying to push its way towards us. The in-between is not the space or place where the flowers will bloom or where the trees will wake up. It is the moving back to complete LOVE that allows the blossoming of the HEART. Where the healing of the soul will produce life once again. 

And so I say to you, sweet child, pick up my cross and follow me. I will never leave you or forsake you. For better is one day in MY courts than thousands elsewhere. 

I never thought today that I would pull open this place to write and not just my hands but the heart and power of Christ's words would write out this blog. I'm overwhelmed by the power that comes in and came in to this place of "AND" I found myself sitting in today. Jesus binds up the broken hearted…he gives life to the wounds and years that the locust has taken. 

With an obedient heart I post this today. For it is only in that place that I can. My flesh would want nothing more than to erase this…but, God is bigger than my flesh. So, I obey. 

Blessings and Love to you all…the "AND" likes much better being between these two words….:)


My daughter, tell them…tell them I will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old ways will pass away. Tell them!!!


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