~ Painting New Thoughts ~

Our thoughts can take us on wild rides and drastic changes in our everyday moments. We can get lost in our thoughts...finding great peace in them. Thoughts are much like wondering and wondering is much like daydreaming and daydreaming is much like an escape from our reality that sits all day right in front of our space. 

It's not all the time that this place of THOUGHTS is a bad thing. Yet, when our thoughts turn us upside down and we feel like we are standing in the middle of an empty space with walls of dominos all around us. We stand there watching our domino walls start to fall and we desperately try to pick them up and build up this space around us…so we can move back into our thoughts that create a world where we loose ourselves to what we truly don't want to look at. In this moment, our thoughts have become a place that needs to be examined. We need to Paint New Thoughts into our mind. 

Painting New Thoughts can be overwhelming. Have you ever become so comfortable with your same 'ole routine? Never making any changes to it? Day after day we go to work, come home…doing the same thing…day after day. Never adding any spice or newness into our living. I believe our thoughts can get this way. We wake up with the same thought pattern, we walk through our day with the same thought pattern, we come home thinking this same way and we lay our head to rest with no different thinking to fall asleep to. So, we get stuck…we become drawn in and that domino wall…that wall that falls easily…becomes our constant thinking. Taking over us and keeping our mind trapped.

When we were kids we would line these dominos up and watch them fall…all following one another in a perfect pattern. The same thing happens with these thoughts we create. They are the same because we line them up this way. They fall the same because we are the ones setting up the pattern…day after day. The pattern has to change. 

Ok…so, take the dominos away and trade them in for a canvas. Let's stop playing the domino game that causes our thoughts to fall and line up the same way….and let's paint something new and fresh everyday. How about we create Canvas Living. Painting New Thoughts…drawing out newness inside of us. Colors pushed into the darkness of the world around us. 

Let's transform our reality…our thoughts…allowing them to become controlled by the power and unconditional love of the Holy Spirit. By the One who lines everything up perfectly. Whose hands can paint the perfect picture over our lives. It is in Him..Jesus Christ that our thoughts are taken captive and the domino effect stops. 

It is in these moments spent handing over the control…then we are able to watch Canvas Living start and a painting and newness to our day begin. Living with the Master Painter in control of our everyday will create a day that looks nothing like the day before. Living with Him in our THOUGHTS will create movement towards a living that is open, available, giving, life changing, joy filled, Holy Spirit driven and unmeasurably controlled by His Loving ways. We will never want days where our own thoughts have taken over….because we will see this beautiful picture painted and transformed by the Master Painter and the Perfect Domino Player lining up our day to look different and life changing every morning.

I choose to hand over my brush to the Master…I choose to give up my old pattern of lining up the same 'ole line of dominos over to the Master as well. I want newness and freshness in my life. I want to wake up every day with color and new patterns. Fresh thoughts and new memories. 

Choose to Paint New Thoughts, friends. Choose to turn over the control to our Unconditional, Loving Father. 

Blessings ~ Becka


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